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Jurassic World

Jurassic World (2015)

Director: Colin Trevorrow
Writers: Amanda Silver, Rick Jaffa
Stars: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas

Jurassic World

Story Line:

22 years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park (also known as Jurassic World) is open for business. After years of studying genetics the scientists on the park genetically engineer a new breed of dinosaur. When everything goes horribly wrong, will our heroes make it off the island?
User Reviews:
First, I am the biggest Michael Crichton fan. I have read nearly everything he has ever written. So, the bad comes first -
1. Some of the characters (dinos included) did not fit the mold for his writing. While I found them likable, I also found them detestable as a "Crichton snob."
2. I felt like there was too much in the way of homages. A few subtle nods would have been sufficient, imo. Other minor things like overall story development, and a few other directorial issues aren't worth dwelling on in light of a 2 hour and 10 minutes run time.The good -
1. Chris Pratt was excellent. I'm quickly becoming a fan, and hope he can develop his skills a bit more for future roles. As my wife pointed out, he'd make a great fit for an indiana Jones reboot if the time comes.
2. The dinos were awesome. Even the new ones, as far-fetched as they seem. In this regard, the writing was right in line with Crichton. He loved to stretch the science to the very edge of being illogical, if not impossible.
3. Did I mention ALL of the homage’s? Many casual viewers will miss most of them. My 11 year old got a bunch but not all of them. From that standpoint, I like being able to see some of the more subtle connections, and rides down memory lane are generally enjoyable.
Conclusion -
Overall, I felt like it was worth the matinée admission of 7.50. I wouldn't have wanted to pay 10, but others may disagree. Solid action film....3.5 stars.

Jurassic World - official Trailer (HD)

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